Note: some browsers experience difficulty with this form.  If so, email us with your domain name choices and we will notify you if they are available.
Whois Search for Domain Names

Use the following form to check the availability of a domain name.
Please provide a value for a domain name and select one of the extensions, ".com", ".net", or ".org". A query will be performed on
InterNIC Registration Services database.

. com

Check to see if your Domain Name is available!
This form will allow you to check the availability of Domain Names. This process is called a Whois query, and checks the Domain Name against records kept at the InterNIC. All Domain Names must be unique. If your query results in a "No Match", then your Domain Name IS AVAILABLE!

When checking for Domain Name Availability, please be sure to enter your query in the proper format. For example: is incorrect, since "www" is not part of the Domain Name   (it's the machine Name). would be correct.
-Domain names must be 26 characters or less and consist of lower case   letters, numbers, or dashes ("-"). No other special characters may be used.

cdomain v1.1 Copyright (C) 1997 J. Allen Hatch